Tana Tutorials

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🎉 Tana AI Made Easy ✨: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

There are a lot of complex things you can to with the AI. But for normal everyday people just trying to get their work done it can be daunting. So in this video I want to show you how you can get setup easy & fast (it's SO easy) and how to create a chatGPT like experience right in your Tana graph.
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Tana 101: 3 Essentials Steps For New Users

There is nothing worse than getting your hands on a brand-new app, only to abandon it after a few days or hours because you just can't make it stick. In this video, I want to talk about three essential things to get set up in Tana to get your hands dirty using it every day.
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How To Create Your Own Tana Custom Keyboard Shortcuts (& remember them!)

The fastest way to get around in Tana is using the keyboard. Also, the most tedious way to use Tana is to open nodes, click into fields & make changes. So did you know you can create own Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Tana for the functions you use most often?
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Introducing... Tana Templates: Get The Best Tana Workflows Directly In Your Tana Workspace

In today's video, I'm talking all about Tana's brand new feature that just launched - Tana Templates. Up until now, it was a bit of a hack to get templates into your Tana workspace, but the Tana Team have been hard at work creating a native solution so you can snag the workflows of some of your favourite Tana people (including ME).
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5 Ways To Manage Tasks In Tana (You've Probably Never Heard Of)

Are you using Tana for Task Management? In this video, I show you five of the top ways I've picked up over the years to plan & categorise tasks. So I can make sure I'm focusing on the most important tasks each day.
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How To Level Up Your Live Searches In Tana

Are you just relying on one main search per Supertag? While that's a good start, you'll quickly find that constantly fiddling with filters & sorts becomes tedious. So in this video I'm going to show you how you can level up your Live Searches & build hubs for each of your Supertags so you can find exactly what you need, when you need. it.
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Tana Workflow: How To Combine Multiple Day Nodes Into One Page

Being able to see multiple day nodes in one view comes in very handy for things like weekly and monthly reviews. If you use fields on your day page then it's actually quite easy to set up these table view 'logs' - I call them my Life Logs.
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How To Setup A Calendar View In Tana (The Quick & Dirty Version)

Quite by accident the other day I stumbled across a way to create a weekly or monthly calendar view in Tana for my content calendar.
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How To Plan Your Year Using Tana OS

It's that time of the year again when we're all thinking about the new year. Making plans, doing reviews and setting goals. For the past few years, I've used a really simple template to reflect on my year and plan for the new one.
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How To Migrate From Notion To Tana

If you're a Notion user and you've been bitten by the Tana bug, but when you opened up Tana wondered - what the heck do you do... then I've got you covered.
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A Peek Inside My Tana Daily Page Template For 2023

In today's video, I take you behind the scenes into the inner workings of my daily page. After 3 months of using Tana, I've got some things that are working really well and a few things that need adjustment.
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Tana Tour With Rob Hasfield

I sat down a few weeks ago with Rob Hasfield from Tana and opened up my workspace to show him through. We covered so many different things from my creator workflows, to how I think about organisation & then a whole second video on my Knowledge Management library.
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