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Your Notes Are Meant For Much More Than Just Storing Away

For years I clipped notes from things I was reading & consuming and put them into a notes inbox to process. I was under the impression like many people that notes were some static thing that were meant to be stored away for safekeeping in case I might need them sometime. I was optimising the process of note-taking for storage.
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How To Take Multiple Courses At A Time (& Actually Finish Them)

In the last 2 years, I can't tell you the number of courses I've signed up. Some I've finished, some I've completely forgotten about simply because life is busy and there's always a lot going on. No matter how good they are if they are not front and centre in my system they just get left behind.
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Forget That Shiny New Note-Taking System. Just Take Notes

Your note-taking system will never be as valuable as just the act of note-taking itself. Whether you subscribe to Zettelkasten or PARA or GTD or something in between, the emphasis in the productivity & PKM space is usually on the systems of storage.
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You 100% Don't Need More Information To Get Started

I coach clients for a living. Both one on one & in group situations. Every coaching call clients jump on, ask questions, get clear and I send them away with an action plan to work on.
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How I'm Using Readwise To Speed Up My Note-Making Process

If you've been following me for a while you'll know I've had a few things to say about Readwise. Not always good. But last month I signed up and I'm ready to say I might be wrong. I'll always be outspoken on the subject of highlighting without taking notes.But if you are taking notes then Readwise can be a helpful conduit to get those notes into your PKM.
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Reading Has Never Been Easier Since I Started Doing This

I have more Kindle books in my library than I care to admit to you. It's not that I don't read. It's that there is more to read than I can keep up with. If I could spend my days curled up on my favourite chair reading and taking notes, I would. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of time and I doubt you do either.
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How Creators Can Make Their Notes 10x More Useful (& Create 10x More Content)

Writing notes is cool. But building those notes into a library of useful content is even cooler. I see a lot of creators (& I used to do this as well) throw notes into some kind of database give it a category like 'mindfulness' and then move on. Or use bi-directional linking to just link a bunch of words and hope they'll find them again later.
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These 4 Daily Practices Will Turn You Into An Effortless (& Prolific) Creator

I've never run out of ideas in the year I've been writing online. My ideas list is always overflowing with new things to write about & I often get asked where I get so many writing ideas from. The truth is much simpler than you might think. Every one of my ideas comes out of my daily note-taking practices.
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This Is The One Thing 99% of Creators Are Missing When Taking Notes

Do you constantly feel like your note-taking is lacking? You take notes & you highlight. You have databases filled with quotes. But your notes are a chaotic mess and rather than being helpful to your creator life they are a constant cause of stress and anxiety. The more you consume, the more chaotic it gets.
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Why Most Creators Don't Need To Build Complex Zettelkastens

I'm giving up on the Zettelkasten Note-Taking method. Two years ago I read the book How To Take Smart Notes. It changed how I think about notes forever. I diligently started taking fleeting notes & literature notes & permanent notes. I spent hours figuring out how to implement it, watching youtube videos on how other people did it and creating products to help others understand it.
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Why Every Creator Should Write Notes Before They Write Content

Are the world's best writers also the world's best note-takers? If you've been knocking around the creator world for a while you've probably had someone tell you that you should be keeping some kind of note library. But why? Why should you waste your time writing notes when you could be writing content?
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I Turned My Phone Into The Ultimate Knowledge Management System

Our phones can be a huge distraction when it comes to not only productivity but also being fully engaged with life. Most advice I hear when it comes to phones is just to have more self-discipline. But what if instead, we turned out phones into the ultimate knowledge management device? And instead of getting distracted by Twitter, we instead reached for a book or podcast or article?
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The Incredible Power Of Filters When Tempted With Systems FOMO

I'm obsessed with looking under the hood of other people's systems. No matter how good my system is, how happy I am with it, or how well it is running I'll always jump at the chance to see how somebody else is doing something. This used to lead me into spending days re-arranging my whole system or switching tools.
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How to Stop Overthinking Notes & Why The Best Tool Is the One You're Using

Hello! Welcome to The Weekly 3x3 By Ev | Edition 14 šŸŽ‰It's been a busy week of being featured in things šŸ˜„. I got to speak To Asim from The Mighty Creators Podcast about how you can transform yourself from a consumer into a creator. And then just yesterday was featured in Coffee & Pens Prolific Writers Special alongside some other very special writers. I'm always honoured to be asked on podcasts or interviews. Hope you can get value from both.
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Stop Overthinking Your Zettelkasten System: How To Get Started Writing Your First Notes

A year ago I didnā€™t know what the heck a Zettelkasten was. Permanent Notes? Literature Notes? Now Iā€™ve made hundreds of notes that have turned into published content. Itā€™s how I stay so prolific. But there is still so much confusion around the Zettelkasten system, and even when you understand it in principle, itā€™s often hard to grasp practically how it works. Often the best way to learn is by watching someone else do something, so hereā€™s a real-life note Iā€™ve taken from consuming all the way through to permanent note.
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Put The Shiny App Down and Read This Instead

You don't actually need a fancy note-taking system to get your notes and ideas organised. There are so many tools for thought and note-taking tools out there these days that it's can be easy to think it's about the tool rather than the system. When we are not clear on our system it's easy to go chasing new shiny apps.
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This Will Make You A More Prolific Reader

Kindle, Real Books or Audio Books? Everyone seems to have an opinion on what is the best reading medium these days. But what if we didn't have to choose? Here's how I use all three mediums.
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How to Actually Generate Ideas Using The Zettelkasten Method

Everyone is obsessed with Zettelkasten lately, but is it really as good as they say? What makes Zettelkasten such a different note-taking system? Is it the structure of the notes? The interconnectedness of the notes? Perhaps. But maybe it's something more. Maybe it's the practices that accompany the system.
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The Only Notebook You Need For Life

I've been obsessed with the daily for as long as I can remember. A few years ago I started a company called The Daily Page where I designed daily pages templates for the iPad. There is something really simple about focusing on a single day.
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This ONE PAGE will instantly make you a more productive person

Starting from scratch is overrated. Every day we do things that we've done a hundred times before. We write emails, plan our weeks, write these essays, research, write newsletters. And most of the time we stare at a blank screen and start from scratch.
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Four Rebel Reading Habits That Will Make You Fall In Love With Reading Again

I consider myself a bit of a rebel when it comes to consuming content. A conversation with a creator friend the other night highlighted to me that I have come to view content consumption fundamentally different from most people.
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Have We Stumbled On Our Very Own Wonderland?

Do you ever have days where you feel like Alice? Chasing rabbit holes & talking to Cheshire cats? When I was young I would read books of faraway lands, secret doors to new worlds, rabbit holes that you could slip down and end up being in a completely different world.
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It's 2021. The Content Consumption Game Has Changed, Have You?

I'm a rebel when it comes to consuming content. A conversation with Harshit last night highlighted that I've come to view content consumption fundamentally different to most people. Here are three of my rebel views (any more and you might take me out and shoot me as a heretic šŸ¤Ŗ)
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The Secret Weapon Every Creator Needs In Their Life

I have a secret weapon when it comes to writing. It's a treasure trove of ideas that I can draw on. New ideas are constantly being added and connected to existing ideas. It's a playground for my mind to play in.
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Stop 'Saving Things For Later' and Start Triaging Instead

We are not living in our parents world. Today you have to deal with more information coming at us than any other person in history. Every day, as humans collectively we create roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Even if you tried to consume it all, you couldn't.
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How I Save Twitter Thread To Read Later In Notion

I love Twitter thread, but have been struggling with a good way to consume them so I get all the goodness into my note taking system. So here's how I'm doing that.
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I Hereby Give You Permission To Read Multiple Books At Once

If you've heard me talk about Zettelkasten or my writing process you've probably heard me use the phrase 'Follow Your Interests'. I first heard this term in the book How To Take Smart Notes by Sonkhe Ahrens and it has stuck with me ever since.
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You're Probably Missing The Most Important Part Of The Zettelkasten

When was the last time you just sat and thought. Iā€™ve always loved the concept of setting time aside to just sit and think. So much of our days are filled up with stuff and we rarely get time to just think through things. But even if you have time, what do you even think about? How do take time to think without your mind wandering off in a million different directions?
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How To Turn Your Ideas Into Essays With One Golden Rule

I have ONE GOLDEN RULE for capturing new ideas. I never capture an idea without doing a quick brain dump. Never. Like Never. Did I mention... Never
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Can A Pink Sheet Help Make Your Writing Better? Let's Find Out

The world is full of people who have ideas but can't articulate them. A few years ago, I sat in a seminar listening to one of my coaches. I was completely in awe of the way someone would ask him a question and he would always have the exact right metaphor or be able to draw the right model to illustrate his point.
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Why The Advice To Read One Book A Time Is Terrible Advice.

Reading one book a time is hugely inefficient. I've always been an avid reader. My favorite place to hang out at school was in the library. But there was always one thing that bugged me about reading. The advice that you should only read one book at a time.
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4 Notion Workspace Principles Inspired By My Kitchen

I spent my Sunday re-orginising my kitchen. Things were out of control, there was stuff everywhere and I was having a hard time finding things. A few hours later I had a beautiful space once again. It got me thinking about how I organise. You see, how I organise my kitchen is how I organise everything in my life... and also how I organise my Notion workspaces.
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How I Triage My Newsletter Consumption

Have you ever suffered from newsletter chaos in your inbox? Generally people view their inbox negatively. They contains tasks, snarky emails from co-workers or passive aggressive emails from clients. Then we have these newsletters that we genuinely want to read, but are crowded out by everything else.
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