How I'm Using Readwise To Speed Up My Note-Making Process

Ev Chapman
March 7, 2022
2 min read

If you've been following me for a while you'll know I've had a few things to say about Readwise. Not always good.

But last month I signed up and I'm ready to say I might be wrong. I'll always be outspoken on the subject of highlighting without taking notes.But if you are taking notes then Readwise can be a helpful conduit to get those notes into your PKM.

Here's how I've been using Readwise:

Take Notes On Kindle. As I read on my Kindle I take notes. Previously I processed these notes manually when I finished a chapter. But in reality it wasn't an enjoyable process. And if I don't enjoy it, it doesn't get done.

Sync To Roam Research. Now when I open my Writing Inbox in Roam my notes are already there waiting for me and I can get straight into the fun work of taking notes (which is the real work anyway) rather than fiddling around with transferring notes in.

Make Permanent Notes. Now that my notes are automatically in Roam, I look forward to diving into the writing inbox every day and finding new notes to jam on and think about.

Automation tools like this should enhance your work or free you up to do the real work, rather than do the work for you. If you treat it like a conduit between what you are reading & your writing inbox then it can save you a hell of a lot of time & even speed up your note-taking process.

But if you are not in your writing inbox every day doing the true work of thinking & making notes, you are simply wasting your money on a Readwise subscription (in my humble opinion).

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