You might not believe me but I used to be very unsure of myself.
Whenever I walked into a room I thought everyone else was better than me, knew more than me, or was wayyy further ahead than me.
Writing & creating online changed that. I'm more confident about who I am, what I believe & what I put out into the world. And people have noticed.
8 years ago I was hired at my current workplace to be operations manager and I absolutely failed. I wasn't confident in the decisions I was making, I would back down when others pushed back and ultimately I moved into another role.
Fast forward to this year when I once again stepped up into the operations manager role and things are completely different. It all comes down to confidence
Confidence In What I Know. Writing makes me super clear on what I know and believe. Every time I sit down to write I get one step closer to understanding myself and the world around me.
Confidence That What I Do Works. Over the past year, I've written about my processes & practices. And people are adopting them! Which gives me confidence that what I do works for people.
Confidence In The Wins. Over the past year, I've had a million small wins. Growing my audience, launching products, making money. Being in the arena actually doing things (no matter whether I win or lose) brings a big level of confidence.
And all this confidence transfers over into all the other areas of my life. So don't box your creator life in. Use it to gain the small wins that compound your confidence.