Most creators spend the majority of their writing time... writing content.
And at first, this seems logical. You need to create content right? But if the only time you ever write is to produce content - you're on a downward spiral to burnout.
Instead, I spend 80% of my time 'Think Writing' and 20% 'Content Writing'
Think writing is just the process of thinking about ideas without having to think about 'content' things like headlines or hooks, or formats. It's your time to sit and simply explore the idea.
When I spend time Think Writing ideas start to get permanently embedded in me. I start to embody the knowledge that's growing. It becomes a part of me.
And when knowledge is a part of you content writing takes MUCH less time. I can bang out an essay in less than 30 minutes a day because the prep work has been done in my Think Writing Time days, weeks, and months before.
1. Collect Sparks. Take notice of new ideas, collect interesting things that spark you from books, podcasts, and tweets. Dump them all somewhere and call it your "Spark Inbox."
2. Use Your Sparks As Prompts To Think. Then each day take a Spark and start writing. Writing is a catalyst for thinking. So just keep writing everything you know, connect the dots & write until you've explored that idea fully.
3. Form Knowledge. Get in the habit of formalising your ideas. Now you have done lots of thinking, start to organise it into a simple Atomic Note that you can slot into your knowledge bank.
And guess what? All those sparks, ideas & knowledge become the building blocks for compounding content that you can use over & over again.