The Incredible Power Of Consistency To Turn You Into An Overnight Success

Ev Chapman
December 6, 2021
1 min read

I'm convinced that I failed at being a creator for 10 years because I was too impatient.

Sometimes it feels like Twitter is just full of people who just suddenly go viral, blow up and grow their audiences massively. So as a new creator naturally we get all excited when we put our one blog, one video, one essay out thinking this is going to be it. But then we wait.

And we wait. Refreshing the stats. Wondering how long after you publish does it take to go viral?

What I've come to realise is that for every 1 creator who is an 'overnight success' (ps. there are no overnight successes) there are another 100 that are just head down putting in the reps and being rewarded with steady growth.

I got an email from Ali Abdaal recently where he was talking about the Part-Time Youtuber Academy. He mentioned it takes 2 years of uploading one video every week to gain any kind of momentum on Youtube. 2 Years!

But we are so impatient. We want everything to happen yesterday.

What I want you to know if you're planning on 'being a creator' in 2022 is that it's going to take time. You're going to be putting in the hard work, day in and day out with little results for at least the next year, and possibly the next two.

After almost a year of writing, I still have a full-time job (that I love) & I only just crossed $10k in revenue. That's a far cry from being able to make a living as a creator.

I'm only halfway through the journey. I invite you to come and join me fellow traveller and let's follow the path together.

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