My Powerful Note-Taking Workflow That Turns Information Into Insight ⚡️

Ev Chapman
October 16, 2023

I read a lot of articles. In a previous life I would go crazy highlighting and saving quotes that would live in a database in Notion and I convinced myself this was note-taking. Today, my process looks very different. Rather than put the emphasis only on reading & highlighting. I take it one step further and take the time to think & write about the things I highlight. In that way, I turn the information I collect into real knowledge.

In this video I show you through my workflow and the three apps I use to make it happen: Matter for reading & highlighting, Readwise for collecting notes, and Tana for thinking & writing.


00:00 Introduction
02:03: Spark Highlighting With Matter
05:29 Saving With Readwise
06:12 Spark Writing With Tana

Whenever you're ready to turn your unique personal knowledge into powerful ideas - here are three ways I can help:

  1. Want to get Sparked like this each week? Sign up to my weekly newsletter - The Spark Newsletter where I deliver one actionable tip every Sunday to help you bring your ideas to life & share them with the world.
  2. If you want to build a system like mine to help you build ideas you can share with the world then check out my ​Atomic Ideas Masterclass​.
  3. Check out my Tana Fast Track Course if you want to start building a powerful personal knowledge platform to house all your ideas.

If you like this video and you want to get even more out of Tana, then check out my Tana Fast Track Course. Learn the fundamentals of working with Tana and the 6 Core Workflows to help you unload your thoughts & ideas, make room in your head to think & create and move through your day fully engaged & energised doing work you love.

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