How to Find and Share Ideas No One Else Is Talking About

Ev Chapman
July 21, 2024
2 mins 14

Three beliefs held me back from getting started sharing my ideas online.
(And the simple shift I made to overcome them) ↓

#1: Believing The Market Is Too Crowded

When I first started writing online I wanted to be a Notion creator. Even three years ago that was already a pretty crowded market. And there was some big creators in the space - what could I possibly have to say that they weren't already saying?

Here's the truth about the online space:People aren't looking for gurus. They are looking for guides.

What we are looking for is people who are doing what we want to do and sharing their unique experience about it.

People didn't follow me because I knew everything about Notion. They saw that I had a certain approach that worked for me - and might work for them too.

So even if what you want to write about is 'crowded' just remember to keep sharing your personal approach to things and trust that it will resonate with likeminded people.

#2: Believing That Others Know More Than You Do.

I used to do a lot of face to face networking in my early days as a freelancer. Every time I walked into a room I believed that everyone else knew more than me or were more ahead than me.

This caused me to act small.

But once I started talking to other people I realised I actually had knowledge they didn't have, or I was in fact more ahead than they were.

The same applies with sharing our ideas online. Just because someone has more followers, more email subscribers or has been in the game longer than you doesn't make their ideas more valid than yours.

They've just found an audience that resonates with their ideas.

There is nothing stopping you from sharing you ideas and finding an audience that resonates with them.

If you want to get started building unique ideas then you might want to check out my Atomic Ideas Masterclass where I teach you how to build a library of your own unique ideas that you can start sharing online.

#3: Believing Our Ideas Are Not Unique Enough

How many unique ideas could there possibly be in the world? Surely everything has been said that could have been said... right?

I believe that the number of unique idea is equal to the number of unique people on the planet.

Which is everyone.

We all have our unique experiences, background, approaches & experience. And when you apply that mix of things to an idea - you create a totally unique to you idea.

So stop believing that your ideas aren't unique and start exploring WHY you think differently to other people.

The Solution: Finding Your Unique Approach

There is only one way I know to overcome each of these three beliefs: Focus On Finding Your Unique Ideas.

And I promise it's not as complicated as your making it out to be. Here is how I do it ↓

Think about a topic or idea you want to write about.Then ask yourself:

  1. How does my experience, background, culture, work history, etc. make me think differently about this topic?
  2. What do I think that most people miss about this topic?
  3. What is a commonly held belief about this topic that I disagree with?
  4. How do I approach this topic differently to other people?
  5. What is no one else saying about this toipc that I think is so obvious?

I guarantee you'll find your angle in there somewhere.

And remember, it doesn't have to revolutionary. You are simply here to share your experience as a guide to someone a few steps behind you.

Whenever you're ready to turn your unique personal knowledge into powerful ideas - here are three ways I can help:

  1. Want to get Sparked like this each week? Sign up to my weekly newsletter - The Spark Newsletter where I deliver one actionable tip every Sunday to help you bring your ideas to life & share them with the world.
  2. Need a place to capture ideas & insights? You might want to check out my template ​The Knowledge Hub​ where you can turn all that collected information into your own insights.
  3. Want to build a library of your own unique ideas that you can start sharing online? Check out my ​Atomic Ideas Masterclass​.

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