4 Ways New Creators Can Get Started Publishing On Twitter

Ev Chapman
March 8, 2022
2 min read

Just over a year ago I got started writing on Twitter.

I always viewed Twitter as a distribution platform. A place where you came to tell the world things you created. But these days Twitter has become my main publishing platform where I test ideas and get (mostly) instant feedback on them.

Here's how I got started:

Committed to 1 tweet a day. Rather than listening to people say you had to show up multiple times a day I chose a goal I knew I could hit everyday. I knew I could at least find one thing in my day that was interesting enough to share. I didn't schedule months' worth, I just showed up every day.

Chose A Topic. My first few months were filled with 'Notion Tip Of The Day' posts. To keep my daily habit it was easy for me to tweet about something I was personally learning at the time. You don't have to stick to a topic, but it is much easier & you'll attract an audience faster.

Found a community. There are plenty of free communities to get amongst on Twitter. But the fastest way to find communities is to pay (no not for likes). Joining a course or community that has an active Twitter community will skyrocket your efforts.

Published Essays. Instead of starting a blog, I started publishing yellow essays right here on Twitter. I've had over a million views on those essays in that time. Much more than I would have ever had on a blog. The more signal I get the more motivated I am to keep going.

Of course, Twitter is still a platform I don't own, so I build in security by collecting emails for my newsletter & cross-publishing everything I write on my blog.

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