Learn How To Get Things Out Of Your Head And Into A Trusted System Using Tana.

You've got the tool. You've mastered the basics of Tana. But you still feel like you're missing something.

Achieving flow takes more than a new tool. You also need a method to follow and new skills to form good habits.

In this workshop you'll learn the Mind Like Water method that will help you get things out of your head fast, ditch the busy-work of consantly organising things & get on with doing your best work.

And best of all you don't have to be an ultra-organised person to make this work. In fact the more of a 'hot mess' you are the better the Mind Like Water Method will work for you.

As well as the method you'll learn a few key skills to help you build lifelong habits including Capture Without Switching Context, Heavy Lifts Now So It's Light Touch Later, Minimum Viable Organisation & Everything In Easy Reach.

If you want to build a rock solid system in Tana to not just be more productive, but get your best work done and enjoy it everyday... this is it.

Self-Paced Workshop

2 Hour Workshop

Video Workshop Hosted In Circle. 2hrs of video content that you can work through at your own pace. Available on Desktop, Mobile or iPad.
The Mind Like Water Quickstart Guide. Install this comprehensive guide into your Tana workspace as a handy reference tool when building your system.
The Tana Insider Community. Access to our growing Circle community of Tana enthusiasts. Get help, access extra resources & member only event.
Dashboard mockup

What We'll Cover...

Just everything you need to achieve ultimate Mind Like Water & Flow in Tana.

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Introduction To Mind Like Water

First I'll talk about why you would possibly want to build a mind like water workflow in Tana. The benefits and what we'll cover in the rest of the workshop.

Lesson 1: The Capture Habit + Process

The key to getting things out of your head and into a trusted system is your Capture Habit. I'll cover how to build a rock solid Capture Habit, plus we'll look at your capture tools & process to make it as seamless as possible.

Lesson 2: Capture + Organise

Don't worry. The Mind Like Water Mastery Process is light on organisation. I'll show you how to use Tana's in built organisation features so Tana does most of the heavy lifting. In this session we'll set up our collections + dashboards to easily find everything we captured.

Lesson 3: Do The Work

Finally I'll show you how to find ultimate flow in your days by bringing everything together that you need when you need it (and hiding the things you don't need so you don't get distracted).

Who Is Suited For Mind Like Water?

If you want to find focus, flow & build a Tana system that helps you do that. This is for you.

  • âś… You already know the basics fundamentals of Tana but you want to create a system that helps you find flow in your work.
  • âś… You worry that you can't find things again in Tana (or it takes forever to remember where you put something)
  • âś… You want to get things out of their head and find focus & flow in their days.
  • âś… You feel lost & overwhelmed in your Tana workspace with no clear way to organise everything.

Buy The Mind Like Water Mastery Workshop

No cart closing, no 'hurry up' buy this now tactics. Just purchase anytime you're ready

Frequently asked questions

I've got answers to your most burning questions...

Have a different question? Reach out to me on Twitter or Email.
How Long Is The Workshop?

The workshop video content is just under 2 hours. However it is broken up into shorter lessons to make it easier for you.

Is this a live workshop?

No. This is a self-paced workshop. You can work through the video lessons at your own pace.

Do I need Tana to get the most out of the workshop

I designed the workshop to be used along with Tana. But the concepts will work in any block based/outliner PKM Tool. If you use a different tool reach out to me and I can let you know if it's compatible.

Do You Offer Refunds?

Due to the nature of digital products being immediately accessible upon purchasing I cannot offer refunds.

Let's Get Straight To It...

Who’s Ev (that’s me)? And Why Should You Buy A Workshop From Her?

I've been known to be a great teacher (check out my YouTube videos if you want to get my vibe), with a cool vibe & I’m definitely not dry, dusty or BORING!

I’ve been in the Note-Taking & PKM Space for three years building templates & teaching people about apps like Notion, Roam & now Tana. I’m a practitioner at heart, so I like to teach in a highly practical way. This means you won’t get anything complicated from me or stuff you simply don’t need (but you will learn how to build powerful workflows in a simple, easy way).

I’m also one of the first Tana Ambassadors, so you can trust I’m not going to lead you astray! Plus, I don't believe in pushing anyone into ONE WAY of doing things... I'll always encourage you to experiment, and find the best way that works for how you work.

Here's What Some People Have To Say About My Teaching Vibe ✨

“One of the most approachable, enthusiastic, and creative educators I’ve met - Robert Haisfield

“Ev does an excellent job teaching. This is a nice intro to Tana & some “big sister” like advice… TFT Hacker

“Her way of teaching tremendous knowledge, and a deep understanding of what she teaches combined with her sparkling energy helped me to build my PKM… Monika

“She’s clear and engaging & has a pace that fits my speed of thought… Kristian

“She’s very down to earth and uses “smooth brain” language instead of a bunch of tech terms… Tamera

“Super practical & useful… Joe