In a perfect world we know we shouldn't task switch, but we don't live in a perfect world.
Have you ever experienced this scenario? You're working on a project but have to close down on a Friday afternoon. You shut your computer down, go enjoy a beautiful weekend and when you log back on Monday you can't exactly remember where you left off.
You spend the first half an hour of your day, re-acclimating yourself. Scrounging around for that link, that email trail, that website you were looking at. And before you know it you've wasted your precious time just trying to start up.
I work a 9-5 job, I'm a part-time creator, as well as a co-founder of a startup SAAS company, and every now and then I like to have a life. There's a lot of juggling in my life and I simply don't have that time to waste.
Clues for when I jump back into to a project or task so I can get started quickly.
Give your future self a break by leaving a breadcrumb